Welcome to the Thedford Alumni Site



Thedford, Nebraska is a close-knit ranching community located in the Sandhills of north central Nebraska. What unites Thedford alumni, in addition to a diploma, is the shared memories of high school and the ever present sense of community support.

Thedford Alumni Banquet, Saturday, June 15, 2024 at High School Gym
Enter Through West Side of School
Doors open at 4:00 pm Dinner at 6:00 pm
Reservation Deadline Saturday June 13, 2024

This website is intended to be an informational source for members of the Thedford High School Alumni – check out the various categories at the top of this page.

● Read the alumni board minutes;
● Read the alumni history;
● Review the board members for each year;
● Reconnect with classmates;
● Update your contact information;
● Download a banquet reservation form for the reunion;
● Check out which classmates are missing and help locate them;
● Read the newsletter online;
● Check out the latest in the photo gallery;
● Check out the latest scholarship winner;
● Help create a stronger alumni.

Please contact us using the form below for any comments or questions.
